
Personal Website

Scope of Work
Design, Development
One Month

Creating a personal portfolio page has always been one of the biggest challenges for me, because it should be both visually attractive and, above all, legible. This is already its third version, and although the two previous versions were very well received, I was always missing something and I think that in this final version I included everything I wanted.

As for the process of creating the website, it started with a paper and graphic design, which I made in Adobe XD. From a technical point of view, it was a long journey. I started to create the portfolio using the Svelte library and I was very impressed with it because of its simplicity and a slightly different approach, but I found that since I specialize in the React ecosystem, it would be a good idea to do a project using a new library related to it so I focused on two of them: Next and Gatsby. Ultimately choosing the latter because it was a small enough project that the static pages made more sense.

I am happy with the result, the knowledge gained about both Svelte and Gatsby will pay off in the future. What could I have done better? Not change the technology in the middle of the project. With a site so small for the end-user, it hardly matters.


What techologies & libraries I've used.

GCP & GSuite